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Business owner, software engineer and developer, technical writer,
support specialist, analyst, marketeer, teacher.

My name is Aaron Todd Sherrill, but I go by "Todd". Since 1986, I’ve traveled frequently between Taiwan and the US, worked in software development, technical support/writing and education. Since the late 80's I've spoken nearly fluent Mandarin Chinese. I am particularly proud of two projects that I've developed independently: Chinese Toolbox and most recently, ULEARN.

Since April 2020, I have been in Taiwan focused on the development of ULEARN, a multitenant, web based platform for school management, built with ASP.NET Core, with seamless Zoom integration providing for automatic class video recordings, which is nice when students need to make up classes. Since late 2020, the program has been in production, so it's had over four years of actual use, with lots of time to work out the kinks. It is currently being promoted to private schools in Taiwan, but by 2025, it will expand both internationally and to other kinds of schools.

If you need more information about me and what I do, check out my resume and personal history pages. These should provide plenty of information for you to begin to get to know me. If you’d like to discuss an interesting project, please send an email (atsherrill at

And for those who can read both sides of this page, I realize that the Chinese and English messages here are not the same. Editing in English is so much simpler, and I’ve done a lot of it since translating my original message into Chinese.


Todd (2018-02-14) reduced

Todd Sherrill
(February 2018)

行銷人員   客戶支援管理
作家    教 師

歡迎你來到我的網站。本人擁有 30 年在美國及台灣的專業職業生涯經歷。我住在 台灣20幾年,中文是我的第二語言,我可以很 流利的用漢語溝通。2016年一月起,我為兩個 北卡羅來納州公司設計 ASP.NET Core 網路應用程 式和 Visual FoxPro 程式。為了回台灣與家人團聚,從2017年一月 起我利用大部份的時間居住在台灣並用遠距的 方式如期完成該工作的第一期程式設計案。

目前我在第一期案件結束後,開始尋找下一個 新的挑戰事業。因家人皆居住台灣,目前本人 沒有意願回美工作,故生活中心皆以台灣為主 。

以我專業的能力與背景,我相信我會是一位能 為貴公司提供最專業服務的人才。歡迎參考我 的履歷表歷史網頁




See updates for
Chinese Toolbox and Toolbox Coding

especially the new Chinese Toolbox